RedEd Foundation

RedEd Foundation

RedEd Foundation supports literacy, entrepreneurship, and the arts through alternative education in Honduras. RedEd sees a need for alternative education opportunities in at-risk urban and rural sectors of the country, because less than half of the Honduran population continues their education beyond 6th grade:

Honduras faces significant challenges in its educational landscape and poor performance at the earliest levels becomes, in practice, obstacles for achievement at higher levels. As a result, more than half of Honduras’ workforce has a primary education only which, in turn, affects their income and poverty levels.

“Educational Challenges in Honduras and Consequences for Human Capital and Development” (Inter-American Dialogue, Feb. 2017).

Education is an essential part of economic and social well-being, but a lack of access to education in Honduras stems from the country’s unrelieved security problems.

Development, insecurity and education are closely interrelated in Honduras. On the one hand, its pervasive violence constitutes a significant factor that hinders educational enrollment and performance among the students. On the other, migration processes that result from a lack of opportunities and violence also exert an influence on the number of drop-out students across the whole education specter.

“Educational Challenges in Honduras and Consequences for Human Capital and Development” (Inter-American Dialogue, Feb. 2017).

The article above mentions the need for a “radical” change from the current education system to a focus on extracurricular or alternative options for receiving education.

RedEd Foundation seeks to provide alternative education in literacy, entrepreneurship, and the arts through holistic, constructivist, student-centered, critical pedagogical paradigms.